· 3 Min read

3 Frameworks To Learn Skills 10x Faster (With Limited Stress)

guy reading jeff builds tech on a computer

The ability to learn and apply skills quickly is a superpower.

I have been acquiring and stacking various skills for the last decade, and since that time I have applied these skills in digital marketing, project management, consulting, and software development.

Unfortunately, there are pitfalls that are easy to fall into. By using the following frameworks I have been able to 10x my learning speed while keeping my stress levels low.

Focus on the next domino:

Your focus should ONLY be on the current step and the immediate next step. Everything else is irrelevant.

Physics has found that a small domino will only knock down a larger domino if the larger domino is less than 1.5x the smaller domino's height.


Now imagine the pinnacle of your learning journey is the equivalent of knocking over a domino the size of Mount Everest but you are starting with a regular domino. It would be a stressful distraction to think about knocking down something so large.

Instead, focus on the next step that is just out of reach. Each step you take will grow exponentially and soon you'll be knocking down mountains.

Quantity over quality:

Adopting the mindset of simply showing up expecting to produce crappy work will get you better results than showing up expecting greatness.

I don't know about you but I tend towards making my life easier. Not harder. It can be intimidating to expect so much of yourself so early on in the learning process. The goal should be to make it easier for you to simply get started.

Shift your expectations from quality of work to quantity of work and watch your results soar and stress disappear.

Identity change = behavior change:

We act in relation to the identities we hold. The good news is we can use this to our advantage.

Identities can be reinforced internally or externally. Let's say you want to read more books. You want to be known as a "reader". Internally, you can reinforce this identity by going to more bookstores or carrying books with you wherever you go. The cool thing is that other people will see you doing this and react to you as if that identity is true.

This reinforces your internal identity which will result in more behaviors that give you external feedback that this new identity is true. It can become a virtuous cycle. Rinse and repeat.

Enjoy the process!

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