· 2 Min read

It's Okay To Quit: Stop Reading Bad Books

clouds in the sky

In the last 5 years, I read over 200 books. Most were good. Others were a waste of time.

But I kept reading and even finished the time wasters. Why?

Here are a few reasons:

  • I was afraid I might miss out on some "good information" at the end.
  • I invested the money in the book and figured I didn't want it to go to waste.
  • School taught me not to skim, skip, or quit books.

I don't know who needs to hear this but here we go:

Please, put down bad books.

If the information at the beginning and the middle of the book is poorly constructed, the writer will not figure it out by the end.

Put it down.

Even if you bought a super expensive book north of $100, your time is worth more.

Put it down.

Schools were great at teaching us how to read but struggled to teach us how to learn. Feel free to break the rules a little.

Put it down.

There are already too many books to read in one lifetime. There is no use struggling through bad books. Put it down, go outside, and come back the next day.

Your future self will thank you.

Happy reading!